A few words about

What We Do

Our projects

Our organization is involved in numerous projects .

Areas of Work.

Community Development and Attitudes change

  • Empower communities to mitigate protection risks and strengthen communities’ resilience and peaceful coexistence, reducing vulnerabilities by increasing access to, basic, social and protection services and facilities. Enhance self-reliance and achieve solutions for all persons of concerns

Economic Empowerment(Community Multipurpose  education Canters)

  • Creation of different livelihoods opportunity for women and girls  through MPC (a conducive  learning environment at community level where women and girls can easily access ( right education , life  skill training , Literacy  Education, Rights awareness session  , Psychosocial consoling  in Multipurpose  education Canters   and  Business management and comigration learning and opportunity
  • Advocacy local media on  women and children to understand and practice their right through active patriation in project implementation
  •  Ensure psychosocial support for vulnerable women and  children and protective spaces for learning Psychosocial Support (PSS) activities that focus on women and children wellbeing education ,
  • Creation of concussive learning space for women and children to Understand and practice their right through active patriation in project implementation ( Human rights education , Livelihood creation child to child approaches ) Ensure psychosocial support for vulnerable women and  children and protective spaces for learning Psychosocial Support (PSS) activities that focus on women and children wellbeing

Child Protection      

  • Ensuring every child, including adolescents; are aware of their rights and enjoy their rights at family and community through increasing their participation and having a session making roles ,1- learns and acquires skills for the future, protected from violence, exploitation, abuse, neglect, and harmful practices.

Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

  • Channeling the humanitarian assistance towards beneficiaries’ access to safe and equitable water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services and supplies, and ensuring the beneficiaries live in a safe and sustainable climate and environment.

Food Security and Agriculture (FSAC)

  • Supporting the communities to have urgent access to food & nutrition needs. 2. Improving nutrition, health & education activities for most vulnerable 3. Empowerment of beneficiaries to have a sustainable livelihood Health: Information, Education, and Communication (IEC)


Addressing critical problems related to physical and mental well-being, as well as critical problems related to healthy living standards of Women and children

Addressing critical problems related to healthy living standards of beneficiaries and addressing the critical problems related to coping mechanisms.

Strategic Goals and Objectives( 2023-2025)

TWDO adopt its programming and approaches considering context and need and priorities of community especially its target groups (Women, Children and other marginalized/ minorities )

  • Empowerment of all women and girls to befit  their human rights; increase their access to civic education, socio-economic and income generation programs Empower communities to mitigate protection risks and strengthen communities’ resilience and peaceful coexistence, ensuring psychosocial support for vulnerable and protective spaces for learning.
  • Ensuring every child, including adolescents is protected from violence, exploitation, abuse, neglect and harmful practices while learns and acquires skills for the future and has access to inclusive social protection and lives free of poverty
  • Channelling the humanitarian assistance to ensure the beneficiaries live in a safe and sustainable climate and environment; endeavouring activities towards ending hunger, improving access to food, agricultural productivity and sustainable food production systems
  • Empower the role of youth in the community, decision making and advocacy
  • Advocate for community and budling their resilience to became change agent and to fight through battel toward a peaceful  and proposer Afghanistan Areas of work:
  • Economic empowerment through livelihood creation,  
  • Formation of small women’s groups in communities receiving humanitarian assistance
  • Alliance with faith leaders and initiate work on protection- GBV issues 
  • Effectively use Sharia Law to fight against systemic discrimination 
  • Increase community cohesion by supporting local women capacities and promoting peaceful reconciliation mechanisms increasing women rules in conflict management and resolution 
  • Formation of small groups of women to create spaces for open sharing, which may later become platform for knowledge and skill building. 
  • Articulate Humanitarian and develop a practical as well as a comprehensive conceptual framework to address problems of the women and families through the enhancement of the social, legal, cultural, advocacy and economic well-being of the most vulnerable families, particularly girls and women ad People Living  with Disability (PLWD)
  • Create harmony and unity among the women and to acknowledge them on how to use  of the existing facilities and develop women’s skills and knowledge, wisdom, strength of individual, and family in the society.
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